The Department of Medical Cybernetics and Telemedicine (now the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics) was founded in 2001 on the basis of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Technology. In the same year, the first cohort of students was enrolled. Professor Valentin Yatsenko, a Doctor of Medical Sciences, was invited to head the department. With his involvement, on December 24, 2002, a joint agreement between the O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University and the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” established the Inter-University Medical Engineering Faculty (from July 1, 2013, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering). Valentin Yatsenko was also chosen to be the dean of this faculty. Since then, Ukraine began the training of specialists in the field of biomedical engineering, and now the faculty includes 5 departments. Valentin Yatsenko methodically implemented his knowledge in the preparation of academic disciplines taught for bachelors, specialists, and masters in the field of “Computer Science”, specialty “Information Control Systems and Technologies”, and specialization “Medical Cybernetics and Information Technologies in Telemedicine”. He is the author of over 450 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 12 inventions, and 192 periodic and methodical publications. Under his guidance, 2 Doctors and 7 Candidates of Sciences were prepared.

In 2009, the department was headed by Professor Ievgen Nastenko, a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, a leading scientist in the field of biomedical engineering, and an expert in the development of information technologies for the analysis of clinical and biomedical information. Ievgen Nastenko conducts research in the fields of systemic physiology, systemic analysis, and synergetics, using methods of mathematical statistics and mathematical modeling. With Ievgen Nastenko involvement, a wide range of computer diagnostic systems for acute cardiovascular insufficiency has been developed, introduced, and refined, along with several generations of cellular-automaton models of the capillary network. He is the author of about 300 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 7 patents, and over 120 articles. Under his guidance, 3 Candidates of Sciences were prepared.

From 2023, the department is headed by Associate Professor Svitlana Alkhimova, a leading expert in the field of design and development of medical software. Svitlana Alkhimova conducts research in the fields of processing and analysis of medical images, medical visualization, and is an active member of SPIE (The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) and IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). She is the author of over 60 scientific and over 10 educational-methodical works, along with 5 patents.