During university studies, students gain much more than knowledge. This is a time for discovering new opportunities and acquaintances, personal development and finding one’s place in society.

Students of the department of biomedical cybernetics are not only engaged in studies and scientific work, but also actively participate in the student life of the faculty.

Freshman Day at FBMI is a special day that not only helps students get to know classmates and teachers, but also creates unforgettable memories and helps them adapt to university life. One of the traditional events held as part of Freshman’s Day is dedication in the form of a quest. This is a great opportunity for students to relax, enjoy the moment and forget about studying for a short while.

Celebrating Halloween has already become a tradition not only in Ukraine, but also among our students. This holiday is held in the format of a quest on the territory of KPI, where participants immerse themselves in the world of mysteries and secrets, and also test their endurance and intelligence. Participants uncover the details of a mysterious murder, solve each puzzle and search for the truth that lurks in the shadows of the campus.

One of the most anticipated events of 2022 was the Winter Masquerade Ball, which was organized on the occasion of the faculty’s 20th anniversary. It was an incredible evening when, to the gentle sounds of the violin, the guests easily circled the parquet floor, dancing the waltz and enjoying the cozy atmosphere. Time passed too quickly, but the memories of this evening will remain in the hearts of all present for a long time.

Winter masquerade ball 2022

Before the dark shadows of the pandemic, a competition was held in the style of the Great Catastrophe, where the most beautiful girl and the most attractive young man of the faculty were chosen – Miss and Mr. FBMI . Behind the mask was clearly something more than just a face. Each of the participants showed their creativity and originality, creating a mysterious image that fully reflects the background of their character.

Miss and Mr. FBMI 2018
Miss and Mr. FBMI 2018

The charity fair on Shrove Tuesday is a true celebration of kindness and empathy. From fragrant pancakes to a luxurious selection of handmade candles, soaps and toys, there is something special for everyone. Performances by talented musicians, tarot fortune-telling and henna rune painting added mystery to this festive event. But the most important thing is the opportunity to help the ZSU and feel like a part of the big KPI family.

Charity fair on Shrovetide 2023

In addition to the celebration, students also assist applicants during admissions, creating an atmosphere of cooperation and support. As volunteers, they conduct tours, advise and explain all the nuances of submitting documents and filling out contracts. In addition, many questions related to the educational process are answered, which helps future students confidently start their academic career.

Admission Day is an incredibly cool event that opens the door to the world of unforgettable student life! Here you can meet cool teachers and students, attend interesting master classes, and get answers to all your questions about admission. This day is an opportunity to find your real student family and choose your future specialty.

Admission Day 2023

Ivan Kupala is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the centuries-old traditions of the Ukrainian people. In the rain, but with great enthusiasm, we enjoyed the music, took pictures and sold handmade products, the proceeds of which were transferred to a drone for the Armed Forces. This holiday once again emphasized the importance of unity in the student community and reminded us that together we can achieve more.

Ivan Kupala 2023