Halyna Korniienko

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics

Education: Graduated from NTUU “KPI” with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

General Information: Has been working at NTUU “KPI” since 1984.

Since 2007, Halyna Korniienko has held the position of methodologist of the Biomedical Engineering Faculty and oversees the methodological work of the departments of Biomedical Engineering Faculty.

Since 2012, Halyna Korniienko has been working as an assistant of the Biomedical Cyberntics department, part-time.


  • Basics of Informatics and Programming
  • Scientific Research Work on the Master Thesis’s theme
  • Internships

Research Interests:

  • Development and implementation of telemedical complexes

Email: kornienko.galina@lll.kpi.ua